Senin, 28 Desember 2009


KBRI Wellington akhir-akhir ini menerima banyak pertanyaan dan keluhan dari WNI yang berdiam di Indonesia dan yang sudah berada di Selandia Baru mengenai kesempatan kerja di Selandia Baru. KBRI menilai bahwa pertanyaan dan keluhan dimaksud disebabkan karena ada beberapa WNI telah merasa tertipu oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab di Indonesia dengan memberikan harapan untuk bekerja di Selandia Baru dengan berbagai macam cara, tetapi pada akhirnya tidak dapat memenuhi janji yang telah diberikan padahal masyarakat kemungkinan sudah membayarkan sejumlah uang tertentu. Upaya-upaya penipuan dimaksud dapat dikategorikan kepada dua jenis, yaitu menjanjikan pekerjaan di sektor perkebunan dan sektor lain, atau menjanjikan bahwa dengan mengikuti kursus-kursus pendidikan, seseorang dapat bekerja sambilan di Selandia Baru.

Silakan baca kelanjutan ceritanya di sini...

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Pasangan Hidup Sejati (Sebuah Renungan)

Suatu ketika, ada seorang pedagang kaya yang mempunyai 4 orang istri.

Dia mencintai istri yang keempat, dan menganugerahinya harta dan kesenangan yang banyak. Sebab, dialah yang tercantik diantara semua istrinya. Pria ini selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat istri keempatnya ini.

Pedagang itu juga mencintai istrinya yang ketiga. Dia sangat bangga dengan istrinya ini, dan selalu berusaha untuk memperkenalkan wanita ini kepada semua temannya. Namun, ia juga selalu khawatir kalau istrinya ini akan lari dengan pria yang lain.

Begitu juga dengan istri yang kedua. Ia pun sangat menyukainya. Ia adalah istri yang sabar dan pengertian. Kapanpun pedagang ini mendapat masalah, dia selalu meminta pertimbangan istrinya ini. Dialah tempat bergantung. Dia selalu menolong dan mendampingi suaminya, melewati masa-masa yang sulit.

Sama halnya dengan istri yang pertama. Dia adalah pasangan yang sangat setia. Dia selalu membawa perbaikan bagi kehidupan keluarga ini. Dialah yang merawat dan mengatur semua kekayaan dan usaha sang suami. Akan tetapi, sang pedagang tak begitu mencintainya. Walaupun sang istri pertama ini begitu sayang padanya, namun, pedagang ini tak begitu mempedulikannya.

Suatu ketika, si pedagang sakit. Lama kemudian, ia menyadari, bahwa ia akan segera meninggal. Dia meresapi semua kehidupan indahnya, dan berkata dalam hati. "Saat ini, aku punya 4 orang istri. Namun, saat aku meninggal, aku akan sendiri. Betapa menyedihkan jika aku harus hidup sendiri."

Lalu, ia meminta semua istrinya datang, dan kemudian mulai bertanya pada istri Keempatnya. "Kaulah yang paling kucintai, kuberikan kau gaun dan perhiasan yang indah. Nah, sekarang, aku akan mati, maukah kau mendampingiku dan menemaniku? Ia terdiam. "Tentu saja tidak, " jawab istri keempat, dan pergi begitu saja tanpa berkata-kata lagi. Jawaban itu sangat menyakitkan hati. Seakan-akan, ada pisau yang terhunus dan mengiris-iris hatinya.

Pedagang yang sedih itu lalu bertanya pada istri ketiga. "Akupun mencintaimu sepenuh hati, dan saat ini, hidupku akan berakhir. Maukah kau ikut denganku, dan menemani akhir hayatku? Istrinya menjawab, Hidup begitu indah disini. Aku akan menikah lagi jika kau mati. Sang pedagang begitu terpukul dengan ucapan ini.

Lalu, ia bertanya pada istri keduanya. "Aku selalu berpaling padamu setiap kali mendapat masalah. Dan kau selalu mau membantuku.Kini, aku butuh sekali pertolonganmu. Kalau ku mati, maukah kau ikut dan mendam pingiku? Sang istri menjawab pelan. "Maafkan aku," ujarnya" Aku tak bisa menolong mu kali ini. Aku hanya bisa mengantarmu hingga ke liang kubur saja. Nanti, akan kubuatkan makam yang indah buatmu. Jawaban itu seperti kilat yang menyambar. Sang pedagang kini merasa putus asa.

Tiba-tiba terdengar sebuah suara. "Aku akan tinggal denganmu. Aku akan ikut kemanapun kau pergi. Aku, tak akan meninggalkanmu, aku akan setia bersamamu. Sang pedagang lalu menoleh ke samping, dan mendapati istri pertamanya disana. Dia tampak begitu kurus. Badannya tampak seperti orang yang kelaparan. Merasa menyesal, sang pedagang lalu bergumam, "Kalau saja, aku bisa merawatmu lebih baik saat ku mampu, tak akan kubiarkan kau seperti ini, istriku."


Sesungguhnya kita punya 4 orang istri dalam hidup ini.

Istri yang keempat, adalah tubuh kita. Seberapapun banyak waktu dan biaya yang kita keluarkan untuk tubuh kita supaya tampak indah dan gagah, semuanya akan hilang. Ia akan pergi segera kalau kita meninggal. Tak ada keindahan dan kegagahan yang tersisa saat kita menghadap-Nya.

Istri yang ketiga, adalah status sosial dan kekayaan. Saat kita meninggal, semuanya akan pergi kepada yang lain. Mereka akan berpindah, dan melupakan kita yang pernah memilikinya.

Sedangkan istri yang kedua, adalah kerabat dan teman-teman. Seberapapun dekat hubungan kita dengan mereka, mereka tak akan bisa bersama kita selamanya. Hanya sampai kuburlah mereka akan menemani kita.

Dan sesungguhnya, istri pertama kita adalah jiwa dan amal kita. Mungkin, kita sering mengabaikan, dan melupakannya demi kekayaan dan kesenangan pribadi. Namun, sebenarnya, hanya jiwa dan amal kita sajalah yang mampu untuk terus setia dan mendampingi kemanapun kita melangkah. Hanya amal yang mampu menolong kita di akhirat kelak.

Selagi mampu, perlakukanlah jiwa dan amal kita dengan bijak. Jangan sampai kita menyesal belakangan.


Jumat, 27 November 2009

Kheira Alexandrina Andoyo, Putri Pertama Kami...

Kheira Alexandrina Andoyo, Putri Pertama Kami...

Kamis, 26 November 2009

Anak Pertama Kami

Kami Andoyo dan istri tercinta Eflita Meiyetriani beserta keluarga mengucakan rasa syukur pada Allah dan terimakasih kepada yang telah membantu dalam kehidupan kami.

Alhamdulillah, telah lahir putri pertama kami pada hari Kamis kurang lebih pukul 22.30 WIB di RS Mitra Keluarga Depok.

Mohon doanya agar menjadi anak yang sholehah, bermanfaat di dunia dan akhirat.

Fotonya menyusul yaa...

Anak Pertama Kami

Kami Andoyo dan istri tercinta Eflita Meiyetriani beserta keluarga mengucakan rasa syukur pada Allah dan terimakasih kepada yang telah membantu dalam kehidupan kami.

Alhamdulillah, telah lahir putri pertama kami pada hari Kamis kurang lebih pukul 22.30 WIB di RS Mitra Keluarga Depok.

Mohon doanya agar menjadi anak yang sholehah, bermanfaat di dunia dan akhirat.

Fotonya menyusul yaa...

Jumat, 06 November 2009

Launching Website

Setelah lama selalu menggunakan blog gratisan, akhirnya saya putuskan untuk melaunching website pribadi saya di:

Silakan kunjungi website tersebut untuk membaca ratusan artikel yang telah saya posting. Ada sekitar 250 artikel lebih telah saya posting ke dalam blog saya tersebut. Ratusan software gratis juga bisa Anda download dari blog tersebut secara langsung.

Untuk ke depan, mudah-mudahan desain website saya akan seperti tertampil dalam foto yang saya lampirkan ini. Saat ini sedang dalam proses desain. Informasi tentang New Zealand lumayan lengkap juga bisa kita dapatkan di website ini. Terima kasih.

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Doa Seorang Suami

Kehidupan berkeluarga itu ternyata lebih mengasyikkan dari yang kubayangkan...

Ada kebahagiaan saat bertemu keluarga tercinta...

Ada keberkahan dan kesenangan ketika bercanda berdua dengan istri yang disayangi...

Ada hati yang berdebar-debar menantikan kelahiran anak pertama...
Ada kedewasaan yang tumbuh untuk belajar bertanggung jawab...

Ada waktu untuk bermanja dan dimanja...

Ada pula pertengkaran kecil yang membuat kami saling menyayangi dan memahami...

Terimakasih ya Allah, Engkau telah menaikkan derajatku dari seorang bujangan menjadi seorang suami...

Jadikanlah hamba sebagai suami yang memberikan kemudahan dunia dan akhirat...

Jumat, 04 September 2009

Puasa Ramadhan di Wellington, New Zealand

Postingan aslinya silakan buka di

Terdengar adzan subuh tanda waktu makan sahur kami sudah selesai. Adzan itu terdengar bukan dari masjid atau dari mushola sebagaimana yang biasa kita dengar saat kita berada di Indonesia.

Hanya program Saalat Time yang kami install di komputer dan panduan waktu buka puasa dan sahur yang kami download dari website lembaga resmi muslim yang mengurusi masalah di New Zealand yaitu FIANZ inilah yang selalu setia mengingatkan kami akan tanda kapan waktu buka dan sahur kami.

Silakan download program Saalat Time jika Anda mau, karena akan sangat membantu.

Jika saya bandingkan, perbedaan antara waktu yang tertera di program Saalat Time dan timetable waktu shalat yang diperhitungkan oleh ulama-ulama FIANZ hanya terdapat perbedaan sekitar 5 menitan. Untuk masalah ini Mufti di sini memperbolehkan perbedaan waktu 5 menit tersebut. Jadi jika ingin berbuka atau sahur, kita bisa membandingkan mana yang mau dipakai. Saya sangat berterimakasih sekali kepada para programer yang telah membuat software pengingat shalat tersebut, mudah-mudahan Allah memudahkan hidupnya di dunia dan akhirat.

Silakan klik link ini jika Anda ingin mengetahui aktifitas muslim di New Zealand FIANZ (The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand).

Hari ini adalah hari ke 15 kami menjalankan ibadah puasa, tidak banyak hal berubah dengan aktifitas kami di sini. Suasana Ramadhan benar-benar sangat berbeda dengan yang saya rasakan saat saya berada di Indonesia. Susahnya mendapatkan makanan dari restoran dan cafe-cafe yang ada di Wellington membuat kami harus rajin memasak. Sungguh suasana yang berbeda, di sinilah Allah memberikan ujiannya untuk seorang muslim yang pertama kalinya hidup dan menjalankan ibadah puasa di luar negeri. Beberapa teman memilih untuk tidak menjalankan ibadah puasa karena hal ini.

Masak makanan sendiri

Halal Butcher, inilah tempat favorit yang harus saya kunjungi untuk mendapatkan stock daging sapi, kambing atau ayam potong yang murah se
kaligus juga halal. Tidak banyak penyedia makanan halal di Wellington, sehingga kami harus berhati-hati saat menyiapkan makanan untuk puasa kami. Anda bisa membeli ikan dan produk lainnya jika takut daging yang Anda beli tidak halal yang cukup banyak tersedia di toko-toko sekitar Wellington.

Memasak adalah aktifitas yang cukup mengasyikan saat mempersiapkan makan sahur dan buka puasa. Soalnya kita akan sulit mendapatkan makanan buka puasa siap saji seperti kolak, bubur dan es kelapa yang dengan mudah kita bisa dapatkan di sekitar rumah kita di Indonesia. Hampir semuanya harus kita masak sendiri. Harus ada daftar menu yang disiapkan setiap harinya, jadi mau tidak mau akhirnya kami bisa memasak sendiri di sini.

Saya teringat saat tahun kemarin masih menjalankan ibadah puasa di Surabaya. Mudah banget mendapatkan makanan buka dan es kelapa muda di sekitar Royal Plasa, Citos dan di sekitar kampus Petra di daerah Kertomenanggal. Tapi sekarang di sini, suasananya serba berbeda. Kolak harus bikin sendiri, bubur bikin sendiri, makan utama juga harus masak sendiri.

Alhamdulillah-nya, inilah kenikmatan yang diberikan oleh Allah untuk merasakan berkah puasa di negeri orang. Jarang orang mendapatkan kesempatan seperti ini. Waktu puasa di New Zealand yang tidak terlalu ekstrim antara siang dan malamnya juga membuat kami enjoy menikmati ibadah ini.

Di sini saya jadi mengerti kenapa pelaksanaan puasa kenapa dijalankan berdasarkan penanggalan bulan atau Qomariyah. Saat di Indonesia mungkin kita belum mau berpikir tentang hal ini karena Indonesia yang cuma ada dua musim, musim penghujan dan musim kemarau.

Inilah berkah kenapa Puasa Ramadhan dijalankan berdasarkan penanggalan bulan, bukan penanggalan berdasarkan matahari. Adanya 4 musim dengan perbedaan waktu siang dan malam yang ekstrim, kadang siang lebih panjang dan kadang malam lebih panjang tentunya akan membuat puasa Anda menjadi terasa berat dan terasa ringan. Dengan pelaksanaan puasa berdasarkan penanggalan bulan, maka kita akan melaksanakan puasa di musim-musim yang berbeda, tidak melulu di musim dingin. Akan ada variasi puasa tiap tahunnya, bisa jadi tahun ini puasa tahun ini di musim panan (summer), maka bisa jadi tahun depan kita mendapatkan puasa di musim semi (spring).

Coba dijalankan berdasarkan penanggalan matahari, tentunya kita akan yang di sini atau saudara-saudara muslim kita yang hidup di negara dengan perbedaan siang dan malam yang ekstrim seperti di Canda dan Finlandia tentunya akan merasa keberatan. Alhamdulillah...

Artikel terkait:

  1. Download Program Saalat Time
  2. Halal Butcher Wellington
  3. Wellington Mosque, Kilbirnie

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Ayoo, Klaim Lagi Ya...

Tari pendet diklaim, Reog diklaim, Sipadan dan Ligitan diembat, Ambalat diklaim, Batik diklaim, Lagu Rasa Sayange diklaim, duh duhhh. Apa itu negara ga punya budaya sendiri ya??

Syukur-syukur korupsi juga diklaim....

Ayoo, Klaim Lagi Ya...

Tari pendet diklaim, Reog diklaim, Sipadan dan Ligitan diembat, Ambalat diklaim, Batik diklaim, Lagu Rasa Sayange diklaim, duh duhhh. Apa itu negara ga punya budaya sendiri ya??

Syukur-syukur korupsi juga diklaim....

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Kontak Saya

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

Father's advice.jpg


Murahnya Potong Rambut di Luar Negeri

Gondrong..., sesuatu yang dulu saya benci tapi sekarang harus saya sukai. Rambut yang selama di Indonesia setiap 3 minggu atau sebulan sekali dipotong sekarang harus rela memotongnya 4 atau 6 bulan sekali. Rambut saya yang memang aslinya njigrak seperti rambut landak semakin tambah njigrak karena tidak cukuran selama beberapa bulan.

Urusan cukur mencukur dan potong memotong rambut, Indonesia sepertinya adalah salah satu negara termurah. Cukup Rp.6.000 atau Rp.7.000 rambut kita sudah bisa dilibas oleh tukang cukur profesional plus pijat di kepala 5 menitan.

Saya sempat baca blognya Pak Dono Widiatmoko yang saat ini bermukim di The United Kingdom, beliau bilang kalau sekali pangkas rambut di sana tarifnya 11 poundsterling untuk umum dan 8,5 poundsterling untuk pelajar. Kalau dirupiahkan ya sekitar Rp.150.000-an, cukup untuk 20 kali potong rambut di Indonesia. Kalau di New Zealand, tarif rata-rata termurah adalah $20 untuk umum dan $15 untuk student (harus menunjukkan student card tentunya). Jika dirupiahkan ya kurang lebih Rp.130.000-an. Kalau di Barber Shop yang lebih bagus harganya bisa 2 kali lipat lebih. Tak beda jauh dengan di UK.

Tarif potong rambut untuk wanita justru lebih mahal lagi. Rata-rata adalah dua kali dari harga di Barber Shop untuk pria. Akhirnya dengan tidak yakin, istri saya pun memasrahkan rambutnya untuk saya potong. Hasilnya? Cukup memuaskan untuk tukang pangkas rambut wanita pemula. Gratis tis tis..., hayo siapa yang mau?

Selama di New Zealand saya baru pergi ke tukang cukur sekali, itu pun dengan hasil yang menurut saya kurang memuaskan. Rambut saya yang njigrak jadi tambah njigrak. Rambut yang biasa dicukur seperti tentara akhirnya jadi kayak model rambutnya si Kipli di sinetron Kiamat Sudah Dekat. Istri saya pun bilang, "Hasil cukurannya bagus mas, bagus banget." Tapi sambil tertawa terpingkal-pingkal.

Nah, jika mau murah. Coba cari teman-teman yang bisa mencukur rambut kita. Sediakan saja alat-alatnya dan teman kita yang mencukur. Atau cukur botak alias gundul, cukup cukur sendiri dengan gunting elektrik yang banyak tersedia di toko-toko sekitar flat Anda.

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Belajar tentang Student Loan dari Negara-negara Maju

Inilah kenyataan, bahwa mahasiswa yang di sela-sela kuliahnya nyambi kerja mayoritas adalah mahasiswa dari kalangan ekonomi yang pas pasan. Walau tak menutup kemungkinan, bahwa ternyata ada juga beberapa teman mahasiswa dengan ekonomi yang mendukung juga ikut bekerja paruh waktu (part time). Bisa jadi untuk pengalaman, hasilnya ditabung, atau sekedar menambah uang saku.

Mahasiswa dengan kondisi ekonomi pas-pasan ini masih bisa bersyukur karena sebenarnya ada ribuan siswa-siswa kita di Indonesia yang memiliki tekad kuat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan akan tetapi tidak bisa menjadi kenyataan karena tidak adanya biaya. Belum adanya sistem pembiayaan di sistem pendidikan Indonesia secara integral yang memberi kesempatan kepada para pelajar ini seakan menjadi penghalang negara ini menjadi maju.

Banyak dari siswa-siswa ini yang mencoba mengajukan beasiswa, jika beruntung mereka bisa mendapatkannya. Tapi jika tidak, impian untuk melanjutkan kuliah akhirnya sirna.

Student Loan di Negara-negara Maju, Berkembang dan di Indonesia?

Beberapa negara maju rata-rata telah memiliki sistem pembiayaan yang cukup terintegrasi sehingga memberikan kesempatan warganya yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi. Sistem pembiayaan pendidikan dengan Student Loan atau pinjaman belajar adalah salah satu yang umum dipakai di negara-negara maju.

Beberapa negara seperti The United Kingdom, Selandia Baru, Amerika, Australia, Canada, Norwegia, Irlandia, India, Jerman, Swedia dan Denmark adalah beberapa contoh negara yang masih secara aktif menjalankan program student loan. Jika kita lihat dari grafik di atas, tingkat penetrasi siswa yang mendaftar ke perguruan tinggi dengan pembiayaan melalui student loan, maka Canada adalah yang paling tinggi. Negara-negara berkembang seperti Thailand, Philipina dan Malaysia juga aktif memberikan student loan kepada siswa-siswanya.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa link-link yang bisa kita pelajari tentang skema student loan ini:
Kebanyakan dari student loan di atas sistem pembiayaannya diatur oleh Kementerian atau Departemen Pendidikan di masing-masing negara. Ini artinya pasokan dana jelas pemerintah mengambil peran aktif dalam mencerdaskan rakyatnya. Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang sistem pengajuan, proses mendapatkannya dan sistem pembayaran kembali student loan, silakan klik link-link di atas.

Lalu bagaimana di Indonesia? Saat ini pemerintah belum memberikan ruang sistem macam ini untuk dijalankan di Indonesia. Sepertinya baru Sampoerna Foundation adalah satu-satunya lembaga yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk bagi siswa/mahasiswa yang ingin mengajukan Student Loan pada saat ini.

Masyarakat Indonesia memang masih sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan student loan karena masih terbatasnya jumlah lembaga yang memberikan layanan ini. Bukan apa-apa, ini karena siswa-siswa dan para mahasiswa di Indonesia terbiasa disuapi gratis dengan beasiswa oleh lembaga-lembaga donor baik dari luar negeri atau dari pemerintah dan lembaga swasta dalam negeri. Media massa, seperti majalah, koran dan internet pun belum memberikan pencerahan dalam hal ini.

Student loan memang bukanlah cara pembiayaan terbaik untuk melanjutkan pendidikan karena setelah selesai studi mahasiswa diharuskan mengembalikan dana yang dipinjam selama kuliah. Hal inilah yang kerap menimbulkan permasalahan. Di beberapa negara maju seperti New Zealand, beberapa mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan pendidikan dengan sistem pembiayaan student loan justru kemudian hengkang dari negaranya untuk bekerja di luar negeri untuk membayar cicilan student loan-nya.

Pertanyaan berikutnya, seperti apakah sistem student loan yang cocok untuk diterapkan di Indonesia?

Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Telekomunikasi Seluler di New Zealand

Setiap akan berangkat ke luar negeri, kita sering menanyakan apa ya operator yang cocok saat saya nanti berada di sana? Begitu pula dengan kami yang di New Zealand. Saat pertama kali datang dari Indonesia ke New Zealand saya juga mengalami kesulitan dalam hal ini. Artikel ini mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi yang mau berangkat ke sini.

Jika kita berangkat dari Indonesia, sebenarnya hampir semua operator dari Indonesia bisa dipakai di sini. Hanya saja sepanjang pengalaman saya, kartu XL (Excelcomindo Pratama) dan Three bisa langsung digunakan di New Zealand tanpa harus mensettingnya terlebih dulu di negara asal. Ini karena sudah ada kerja sama antara XL dengan Vodafone. Sedangkan untuk Indosat dan Telkomsel sungguh sayang, bisa sih bisa tapi ada yang harus registrasi dulu di Indonesia dan sinyalnya hilang-hilang.

Ada dua operator besar di New Zealand yang melayani telekomunikasi seluler, yaitu Vodafone dan Telecom. Ada perbedaan mendasar antara Vodafone dan Telecom, kalau Vodafone adalah layanan GSM, sedangkan Telecom adalah sejenis CDMA di Indonesia.

Harga SIM Card starter packnya kurang lebih NZ$ 35, cukup mahal sih memang. Tapi tak apa-apa yang penting bisa berkomunikasi dengan keluarga kita di Indonesia.

Untuk masalah handphone atau handset yang cocok, jangan khawatir, hape butut Anda dari Indonesia juga bisa Anda gunakan di sini. Tapi saya sarankan berhati-hati jika membawa HP Motorola dari Indonesia karena biasanya suka ngadat karena tidak support dengan operator lokal yang ada di New Zealand.

Kebanyakan orang di Wellington menggunakan HP Nokia, Samsung, dan LG. Motorola juga ada tapi jarang saya lihat.

Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Windows 7 Review, Windows 7 RC1: Windows XP Mode

Perhaps the biggest surprise - and for Microsoft, possibly the biggest boost - is a feature that has been announced but not yet available: Windows XP Mode, which will run XP applications in an XP compatibility box, but make them appear as if they are running directly in Windows 7 itself. In this way, Microsoft hopes to give users the best of both worlds - the compatibility of XP and the shinier new Windows 7 interface.

The feature sounds underwhelming until you dig into the details. According to Microsoft, you won't actually have to manually run Virtual PC to run those XP applications once you've installed them; instead, they will appear to work directly within Windows 7.

You'll just have to run Virtual PC the first time and run the application - from that point on, it will appear to be just other application running directly in Windows 7 (at least, that's the promise). And you won't have to buy XP separately - your Windows 7 EULA (end-user licence agreement) includes XP as well. In essence, you get two operating systems for the price of one.

This solves one of Microsoft's biggest problems with XP very cleverly - it's such a solid, stable operating system that people simply don't want to give it up to move to a newer operating system. Now they don't have to - they can run XP as if it were a part of Windows 7.

Microsoft says Windows XP Mode will soon be ready for download, and as soon as it is, I'll follow up with a report on how well it works.


Cleaning Autorun Viruses: How To Boot Into Safe Mode

Some viruses may not be detected, or may be only partially removed, if the system is not booted into Safe Mode for the scan. Booting in Safe Mode prevents extraneous services and programs - including most malware - from loading at startup.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Less than a minute

Here's How:

  1. If the system is already turned off, power it on.
  2. If the system is already on, shutdown the system normally, wait 30 seconds, then power it back on.
  3. Begin tapping the F8 key every few seconds as the system boots up until the screen offering the Safe Mode option appears.
  4. Use the arrow keys to highlight Safe Mode and press the Enter key.
  5. The system will now boot into Safe Mode.
  6. On Windows XP, you may receive a prompt asking if you really want to boot into Safe Mode. Choose Yes.
  7. Once Windows has booted into Safe Mode, open your antivirus program using the Start | Programs menu and run a complete virus scan.


  1. If your PC is a multi-boot system (i.e. has more than one operating system to choose from), first select the desired OS and then begin tapping the F8 key every few seconds while it boots.
  2. If tapping F8 did not result in the Safe Mode option being offered, repeat the steps.
  3. If after several attempts you are still unable to boot into Safe Mode, post a message in the Antivirus Forum. Be sure to note which operating system you are using.

How to prevent email worms

Antivirus software is simply not enough. An email worm can spread worldwide in just minutes, but it takes hours for antivirus vendors to analyze, create, and deploy signature updates. Fortunately, there are five easy steps you can take to help close that window of vulnerability and help keep email worms off your system.

Rule 1: Identification - Understanding the nature of the attachment is the first step towards email safety. Any executable type attachment has the potential to be infected. This covers a wide range of extensions. Complicating matters is that, by default, Windows suppresses file extensions. Make sure you have file extension enabled. Hint: If you aren't sure what file extensions are, sign up for the free Windows Basic online course.

Rule 2: Intent - An executable type attachment should not be opened unless it was specifically requested or expected. Since email worms are sent to addresses found on infected users' machines, just knowing the sender is no proof of intent - they may well be infected. In fact, odds are an email worm will arrive from someone you know and the sender is oblivious to the viral email being sent from their machine. Worse, today's worms spoof the From address, so it may well be that it's not even from the person you think it is. If there's any question as to the intent, see Rule 3 below.

Rule 3: Necessity - This is the simplest rule to follow, but one that many people ignore. If you do not need the attachment, don't open it. Delete the email instead.

Rule 4: Secure your client - To date, many email worms and viruses have taken advantage of security vulnerabilities found in Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express. However, any mail client that supports HTML and scripting should be considered at risk. For instructions on securing your particular mail client, choose from the list below:

    Outlook/Outlook Express
    Netscape Mail

Rule 5: Patch your system - Microsoft routinely releases approximately 100 security patches per year. Keeping abreast of these and understanding which are applicable to your system can be a daunting task. To help ease the pain, Microsoft provides a Windows update site. The site will automatically scan your system and provide a list of recommended updates specific to your operating system. Install any updates marked as "Critical". And remember - security is never passive. It's an ongoing process and new vulnerabilities are constantly discovered. Visit the Windows update site monthly to ensure all necessary patches are installed.


Best Scanner and Virus Detector: Avira AntiVir in the AV-Comparatives Test

AV-Comparatives is an independent institute that regularly tests the performance of well known anti-virus software. After Avira had already achieved good results in March, the test was continued under new conditions.

Since the last comparative test, none of the anti-virus programs has been updated. At the same time, a lot of malware has been collected during the last three months. Therefore a whole host of new, unknown viruses, worms, backdoors and Trojans has appeared. In order to detect unknown and new threats proactive detection or so called heuristic detection is required.

The innovative Avira AHeAD (Advanced Heuristic Analysis and Detection) technology certainly lived up to its name. Its heuristic identified more than 71% of the at that time unknown malware and therefore won a convincing first place (graph 1).

The results for scanning speed clearly demonstrate that the Avira software is not only thorough but also particularly fast. The anti-virus product, which was developed in Germany, is also clearly in the lead in this respect. Avira sifts through the data jungle on computers at a rate of 7.49 megabytes per second (graph 2) and is therefore the winner of the test In this category!

It is to be noted that the test of speed was carried out with activated heuristic, i.e. with active AHeAD module. Compared with its competitors, Avira convincingly managed to combine performance and proactive detection with optimum results.


The best Anti-virus based on

Antivirus products often claim to have high proactive detection capabilities. In this file, we can read the best antivirus. Download it now and then we can decide the best antivirus to protect our laptop and computer.

Download the result of the test here, Link Download.

This test was held in May 2009, so its quite new to know the best product that we can us

Apple's Safari 4 tops 11 million downloads in 3 days

Apple's Safari 4 Web browser was downloaded more than 11 million times in the first three days of release, the company said Friday. 

And more than 6 million of the downloads came from Windows users. 

Since Safari 4's public beta release in February, Apple has touted the browser as the fastest in the world, when compared with other popular browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer 8. 

According to Apple, Safari 4 tops IE 8 and Firefox by three times or more when loading HTML Web pages. With its Nitro JavaScript engine, the company claims, Safari executes JavaScript almost eight times as fast as IE 8 and more than four times as fast as Firefox. 

Based on the open-source Webkit browser engine, Safari includes HTML 5 support for offline technologies and is the first browser to pass the Web Standards Project's Acid3 test. 

Safari includes several enhancements, such as Top Sites, the ability to search history, Google Suggest, and Full Page Zoom, to make browsing the Web a bit easier. 

Safari is free for download for both Mac and Windows users.


Steve Jobs had liver transplant, Apple CEO

Steve Jobs, who has been on medical leave from Apple for the past six months, received a liver transplant in Tennessee two months ago, according to a report Friday in The Wall Street Journal. 

Earlier this year, Apple's CEO was reported to be relocating from California to Tennessee, which has a shorter waiting list for patients seeking organs, the report noted. In January, after Jobs announced that he would step aside from his day-to-day duties for a six-month medical leave of absence, Bloomberg reported that Apple's CEO was considering a liver transplant. In a telephone interview at the time, Jobs refused to comment on his health status. 

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but an Apple representative told the Journal that Jobs "continues to look forward to returning at the end of June, and there's nothing further to say." 

Jobs is expected to return to the helm of Apple this month after nearly six months of medical leave. Jobs announced in January that he would be stepping down temporarily from the chief executive post while recuperating from a hormone imbalance. Some hoped his return to the company would coincide with an appearance at the Worldwide Developers Conference earlier this month to announce the new iPhone 3G S, but that did not pan out for Apple faithful. 

Jobs, 54, has been the subject of heated speculation regarding his health since last June's Worldwide Developers Conference, when he appeared to have lost a great deal of weight. At the time, Apple insisted that Jobs' health was a private matter but revealed in early January that Jobs was suffering from a hormone imbalance that was impeding his body's ability to absorb certain proteins. 

In August 2004, Jobs underwent successful surgery to treat a rare form of pancreatic cancer, which sidelined him until September of that year. Much of the speculation over the past year had been over whether that cancer had returned. 

Tim Cook, Apple's chief operating officer, has been running the company during Jobs' absence.

Koogle, 'Kosher' search engine launched in Israel

A new "kosher" search engine called Koogle has been launched for orthodox Jews living in Israel, allowing them to surf the net without compromising the religious standards set by their rabbis.

Koogle, which is a pun on search engine behemoth Google and a popular Jewish noodle dish, will filter out forbidden material, such as sexually explicit images or pictures of women deemed to be immodestly dressed, and restrict purchases of taboo items including television sets, which are banned in orthodox households.

Rabbis encouraged the development of Koogle to meet the needs of the country's religious communities and to discourage them from using internet cafes.

Amos Azizoff, who helped to set up Koogle, claimed the business directory alone, which lists everything from restaurants to bridal wear, was already enjoying 100,000 hits a month. He said Koogle was for adults and children alike.

"There is so much happening on the internet that isn't healthy and this search engine allows people to surf without pop-ups or anything that is inappropriate.

"There are lots of orthodox homes that don't have computers but for business purposes, or for people who want to be part of the 21st century, if you're going to have one the best way is to use one that filters the internet."

The search engine also has a facility that blocks online shopping during the Jewish Sabbath, which begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sunset on Saturday.

Azizoff said he recognised that the site would not appeal to everyone. "We have to be realistic. Just as you have orthodox Christians and orthodox Muslims, there are people who like to take the easy approach on life, right or wrong. Unfortunately that's our society. But there are different needs for different communities."


Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

New Dell Studio Hybrid Ultra-Small PC

The famous PC maker, Dell has launched its smallest, most personalized and most environmentally responsible consumer PC – Studio Hybrid, which the company claims is about 80% smaller than the typical desktop minitower and uses up to 70% less power, aiming to enhance personal expression and creative living.

“The design and craftsmanship of the Studio Hybrid alone are enough to cause you to do a double take,” said Michael Tatelman, vice president, global consumer sales and marketing. “Combine that with the performance of this little beauty and its environmentally smart DNA, and you’ve got something truly unique – something that you can make your own.”

Optional Technologies And Peripherals Of Dell Studio Hybrid:

  • Optional Wi-Fi networking allowing people to place the PC anywhere that’s convenient for them
  • Optional wireless keyboard and mouse help ensure a clean desktop, counter top or coffee table
  • Optional Blu-Ray Disc drive for watching high-definition DVDs
  • Optional TV Tuner that enables users to watch, pause and record live TV

“Our goal was to design a desktop that fits in the office or in the living room, or anywhere space is at a premium,” said Michael Scheschuk, desktop product marketing. “We’ve created a dekstop PC category that combines style, performance and a high degree of energy efficiency.”

According to the release, “Dell also unveiled two new Inspiron PCs, including the Inspiron 13, a sleek and stylish sub‑$800 13-inch laptop perfect for students heading back to school, available starting next week at Wal-Mart. The Inspiron 518 desktop, available immediately at, is designed for everyday family multi-media activities, be it catching up on favorite TV shows via the internet, playing online games, and storing and accessing music playlists and digital images.”

Unique Packaging Of Studio Hybrid Was Designed To Be Environmentally Responsible:

  • Reduced packing materials 30 percent by weight
  • Packing materials are also 95 percent recyclable
  • Reduced printed documentation 75 percent by weight
  • System recycling kit is included

The new Dell Studio Hybrid is available now on its official site and expected to be featured in select retailers later this fall, along with a starting price of $499 (without monitor). Check more details of Dell Studio Hybrid on its official site.


Disney Taps Kiddie Laptop Market

Not long ago I read the results of a study about litte girls and Disney Princess dolls, which pointed out the massive amount of branding involved – i.e., you can wake up in your Disney Princess sheets, brush your teeth with a Disney Princess toothbrush, eat breakfast out of your Disney Princess cereal bowl… and on and on until you slip into your Disney Princess PJs to go to bed. One of the reasons that branding is particularly powerful for kids is that they probably don’t care what thread count their sheets are, whether their toothbrush has angled bristled for maximum cavity-fighting, or whether the bowl is microwaveable.

And odds are, a six-year-old doesn’t care one bit about the specs on her laptop – but given the choice between one that has a Dell logo or a Disney logo, then it’s very likely that the Disney branding team has done their job. Cue that up right after breakfast – check your email on your Disney Princess laptop.

The new Disney Netpal by Asus (the Taiwanese manufacturer known for their Eee PC netbooks, of which this is basically a Disney-fied version) will go on sale July 21 and come in “magic blue” and “princess pink.” However, they are thankfully considerably more subtle than the Disney Dream Desk PC. The price is $349.

Though the beauty of the product is that it’s not just marketed at kids with branding, but with parents, too – with control. Since this laptop is intended for kids, all of the parental control security features are built right in, and robustly. Rather than a “blacklist” of websites, parents can limit web use to an accepted “whitelist.” And also inside the laptop, Windows seems to be even more Disney-fied than the outside, with a special Disney “gadget tray” with a special Disney browser and lots of pre-loaded Disney software like “Disney Pix” (photos) and “Disney Mix” (media management).

I can’t even imagine the nightmare of trying to get other stuff to run on this machine – but I guess that’s not really the point. It’s about simplicity for ease of use, control, and branding, and just from what I’ve read about it so far, I think Disney might have this one in the bag on these counts. And here are the specs on the machine, according to PC Magazine:

  • Intel Atom N270 processor with 1 Gbyte of DDR2 RAM
  • 8.9-inch LED-backlit screen with a 1,024-by-600 resolution
  • 160-GB spinning drive
  • a VGA port, 3 USB ports, an Ethernet jack, audio-out and Mic-in, a multi-card reader, and a 0.3-megapixel webcam
  • 5 hours of battery life
  • weighs 2.6 pounds
  • runs Windows XP Home

There is also a version of the netpal exclusive to Toys ‘R’ Us, the only differences being that it features a 16-GB solid-state drive and weighs only 2.2 pounds.


Toshiba to mass-produce 28-nm chips from 2010/11

TOKYO, June 18 (Reuters) - Japan's Toshiba Corp (6502.T), the world's second-largest maker of NAND flash memory chips, said on Thursday it aims to start mass-producing 28-nanometre chips in the business year starting in April 2010, skipping previously planned 32-nanometre chip production.

Chip makers are racing to shrink their chips, packing more power onto each sliver of silicon.


Relaunched Google Search Service Fingers Malware-Spreading Advertisers

'Anti-Malvertising' lets Website owners perform background checks on potential online advertisers

Google is going after malware-spreading advertisers more aggressively with the quiet launch of a free service that lets Website owners run background checks on potential online advertisers.

Anti-Malvertising, which yesterday received a face-lift with additional resources and a higher profile, is a custom search engine that lets you check if an online advertiser is known to have spread malware-laden advertisements.

Attackers are increasingly using legitimate Websites to spread their malware, either hiding it within an ad itself, embedding it on the page, or using a download link to infect victims.

Eric Davis, a member of Google's Anti-Malvertising Team, says the custom search engine originally went live in February, but Google yesterday relaunched the site with more information and content. "We created to help ad publishers and Internet users learn more about malvertising threats," Davis says.

The search engine checks third-party sites that track ad malware. "What's new as of yesterday is that we redesigned the site and added new, expanded educational content to supplement the custom search engine" so ad publishers and Internet users can better protect themselves, Davis says.

Bottom line: Google wants to keep the online advertising "ecosystem" clean.

"The overall site fits into our broader goal to help and encourage all members of the online advertising ecosystem to take an active role in malvertising prevention," Davis says.

Still, Google warns that the custom search engine is just one source of badware information. "Its search results should not be considered the last word on a prospective customer, but one potential source of helpful information. If a party you're researching comes up in a search result here, we recommend you take a closer look at the party in question before rendering judgment," Google's site says.


Microsoft To Launch Free Antivirus Product Next Week

Public beta of the much-anticipated "Morro" tool debuts June 23, replacing OneCare Live for consumers 

Microsoft turned a page in consumer antivirus protection today with the official announcement of free anti-malware software that users can download on their Windows machines. The new Microsoft Security Essentials software -- which had been known by the code name "Morro" -- will be available in a public beta version next Tues., June 23.

Unlike Microsoft's Live subscription-based OneCare consumer offering, Microsoft Security Essentials focuses solely on anti-malware security, detecting and removing viruses, spyware, rootkits, and Trojans, and doesn't bundle in the firewalls or computer maintenance tasks and backup common in many security suites today. And there's no charge or registration required.

"This is real-time protection for consumers," says Alan Packer, general manager of Microsoft's anti-malware team. "We were surprised at the number of people out there not running anti-malware software -- a lot of Windows consumers are not protected."

The new product represents a shift in Microsoft's consumer AV strategy to a freebie model that some other security vendors recently have adopted, and it's likely to pressure AV giants McAfee and Symantec to eventually do the same, security experts say.

Packer says Microsoft decided to give away the software for free as part of its strategy of improving security for the overall Windows ecosystem. "There are a lot of other free anti-malware products out there, but a lot of them are trying to do an 'up-sell,' so there's still an economic model there," he says. "That wasn't a driving factor for us. We were looking at the sheer number of people unprotected in the Windows ecosystem, and we thought we could better serve them at no cost."

"This is the best thing for the buyer," says Roger L. Kay, president of Endpoint Technologies Associates. "It will have the effect of putting [AV] companies out of those [consumer AV] businesses. Consumer AV is in jeopardy because, in some sense, you don't need it. It's an extra bolt-on that's not perfect. And you want things that keep quiet and fit -- you don't want to wear your AV like a ball and chain."

But that's exactly what some consumers have experienced with AV: "Anti-malware is expensive in resources -- CPU and memory consumption -- and that has an impact on the user experience. Some don't think it's worth it," Microsoft's Packer says.

By spinning off the security piece from the suite, Microsoft is focusing on protecting its "main franchise" -- the PC, says Endpoint Technologies' Kay. "They needed to focus on the security problem by away security rather than bundling and selling it," Kay says.

Microsoft's new software will include a dynamic signature service that works with Microsoft Update, and it runs on the same anti-malware engine as Forefront and Live OneCare. "We're using the same base technology in Forefront, OneCare, and Defender, with different pieces of it turned on. Microsoft Security Essentials is the next generation of what was in OneCare," Packer says.

All signature and other updates are done in the background, and the software performs CPU-throttling during full scans, for instance, so as not to disrupt other operations, he says.

Rainer Gawlick, CMO at Sophos, says Microsoft's move is a win for the industry. "Unprotected consumer PCs are a security problem for the market, with botnets [and other issues]," Gawlick says. "Overall, we think it's right for consumers to get free protection."

Microsoft also simplified the user interface using the standard green for clean and red for problem. Fixing a problem is just one click on a prominently displayed button on the page, Packer says.

The software, which will be released in its final version this year, is for Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3), Windows Vista, and Windows 7 (Beta or Release Candidate).

Meanwhile, Microsoft plans to halt retail sales of Live OneCare at the end of the month; existing OneCare users will be given a free extension of their subscription until Microsoft Security Essentials is shipping in production. 


Chrome 2.0: Google's biggest yawn

Google's upgrade of Chrome to 2.0 is exceedingly underwhelming --- there's so little new that if you blinked you'd miss the changes. It's baffling that a company that keeps fully featured software like Gmail in beta for years has jumped to 2.0 for a browser with so little to offer.

After the upgrade, you won't notice a change in Chrome at all --- it looks just like the previous version, and largely behaves like it as well. There are a few little tweaks, though, such as a full screen mode available via the F11 key.

There's also a form filler for filling in Web forms, something other browsers have had since the Dark Ages. You can also remove thumbnails from the "New Tab" pages that launch whenever you open a new tab. And you can zoom better.

The only substantial change is speed. Google claims that the new Chrome is 30% faster than the previous version, and I can believe it. It loads pages lightning fast.

But there's more to browsing the Web than fast-loading pages. That's where Chrome 2.0 is still far inferior to Firefox and Internet Explorer.

It's hard to understand Google's plans for Chrome, because it's so bare-bones that it will never gain significant market share. It may be, though, that Google considers its browser little more than a front end for Web-based applications such as Gmail or Google Docs, and figures that the applications themselves, not the browser, is where most functionality will reside. But the ubiquitous cloud-based world is still far away, and until then, Chrome will languish.

Simple And Successful SEO Strategies, On Page Optimization

SEO doesn't have to be complex and by following these simple on-page optimization techniques you can give your SEO campaign the perfect start.

SEO is often seen as being a difficult and in-depth process, but the reality is that by following some reasonably common sense guidelines it is possible to get good rankings. That's not to say that optimization is a simple or quick process; there are, unfortunately, no short cuts. Your SEO efforts should be a concerted and long term endeavour, in order for you to enjoy the best possible results, and should incorporate both on-page and off-page optimization techniques. By following the on-page SEO strategies below you can set a strong foundation for all your SEO work. 

Keyword Research

Before you begin penning content and writing title and meta tags you first need to research the keywords you will use on each of your pages. Using the wrong keywords can negatively impact your entire campaign, causing you to lose untold hours and days of work and eventually forcing you to concede that you made the wrong decision and start all over again.

The most appropriate and most beneficial keywords are popular enough that they will enjoy regular searches but without being prohibitively competitive or overly generic. A number of keyword research tools exist and your competitors' websites are a good place to start your early research. Ensure keywords are targeted specifically to the type of content you will provide as well as the service or product you will be selling. More targeted keywords will result in more targeted visitors and targeted visitors mean greater conversion rates and an improved return on your efforts.

Niche And Semantically Related Keywords

A good strategy is to incorporate a reasonable list of competitive keywords with less competitive ones. The more niche keywords will serve you well during the early days of your website and over time you should be able to start competing for the more challenging of the keywords you use. Also incorporate semantically or topically related keywords into your keyword list because the search engines are placing more and more emphasis on those pages that use related keywords as well as primary keywords.

Accessibility And Standards

Site accessibility is an integral part of good website design, but it should also be considered an important factor in any SEO strategy. Using standards based code for your website will help to ensure that anybody that wishes to access and view your website will be able to do so. It will also mean that the spiders used by search engines will be able to access and index your pages effectively ensuring that you get the full credit for your site. 

Navigation And Intra-Linking

Your navigation menu and internal links should be prominently placed, easy to see, and easy to follow for the spiders. It is good practice to include a text link from the home page to a compliant sitemap on your site, alleviating any potential problems that might arise from broken links or the use of graphical or flash based navigation menus. You can also consider adding links into the main body of your content, although too many will make the page difficult to read and therefore diminish the overall effectiveness so don't get too carried away.

Title And Meta Tags

While search engines do not specifically use the meta tags to help assess the value of a page like they once did, meta tags are still critical to good SEO performance. The title and description tags that you add at the top of a page are used in various ways including in the compiling and display of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). This is the first thing a potential site visitor will see from your site so this mini listing needs to be as effective as any paid advert or PPC ad. Poorly written titles and descriptions can put many readers off viewing your pages so a little time and effort here can have a very positive effect. 

Using your keywords in the title and the description is good practice because these will be highlighted in the search results if they were used in the search query itself. This will make your result more prominent and instantly identify your page as being relevant to the user. Don't needlessly use keywords, however, and don't throw extra keywords into the description at the cost of a well written, short ad.

Other Formatting Tags

On-page content should always be written with the visitor in mind, although obviously it can still be optimized for search engines. As such, proper page structure is important to your reader as well as to the engines. H1 and H2 tags are an effective way of breaking up page content, and give readers the chance to skim through a page and determine its relevance.

A page should only contain a single H1 tag at the top of the content but can include multiple H2 and H3 tags. Alt tags on images should also be included and these as well as the actual file path to the image itself can include important keywords (but do make sure that they actually make sense and are more than just a keyword thrown in for the sake of SEO).

Page Content Optimization

Finally, we get to the heart of the page - the content itself. Use the keywords you researched for a page, including semantically related keywords. Write as naturally and appealingly as possible while keeping those keywords in mind and don't get carried away stuffing or cramming them into the body of the text. Not only is this unappealing to readers but is seriously frowned upon by the search engines.

The reader really is the most important aspect of your content. If the majority of your visitors are coming from the search engines, remember that they arrived using specific keywords. This means that they are searching for equally specific information relating to those keywords - make sure you deliver on the promise that you made in your title and description tags.

About The Author

Matt Jackson - WebWiseWords is a content writing service enabling website owners and online business owners to buy web content tailored to their needs. Services include affordable and high quality SEO content writing and more. 


Firefox Records 8.2 Million Downloads in First Day

Mozilla’s Download Day ended at 11:18 PDT Wednesday, well on its way to setting its Guinness World Record goal with a staggering 8.2 Million downloads of the Firefox 3 browser — shattering all expectations the company had when organizing the event.

According to the Download Day FAQ, Mozilla is the first company to attempt this record, thereby setting the bar for most downloads in one day. The foundation’s goal was to beat the number of first-day downloads of Firefox 2, which was 1.6 million downloads. The “sky is the limit” number was 5 million. A Mozilla representative confirmed it crossed 8 million about 30 minutes before the window closed.

In the upcoming week, Guinness World Records judges will verify the number using count records and logs while removing duplicates before it becomes the number to beat in the future.

For those who took part in the “historic” day, Mozilla is handing out personalized Firefox 3 Download Day certificates that you can download, print, frame and hang next to your high school diploma.

If you are late to the party, you can still download Firefox 3 at Mozilla’s Spread Firefox page.

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats

There some problems when we open Microsoft Office 2007 in Microsoft Office 2003. The problem usually happen because the diferences of file extension. For example in Microsoft Word, in Office 2003, word document uses extension as .doc, but in Microsoft Office 2007 uses.docx.

Download Link.

Users of the Microsoft Office XP and 2003 programs Word, Excel, or PowerPoint—please install all High-Priority updates from Microsoft Update before downloading the Compatibility Pack.

By installing the Compatibility Pack in addition to Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP, or Office 2003, you will be able to open, edit, and save files using the file formats new to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007.

The Compatibility Pack can also be used in conjunction with the Microsoft Office Word Viewer 2003, Excel Viewer 2003, and PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to view files saved in these new formats. For more information about the Compatibility Pack, see Knowledge Base article 924074.

Note: If you use Microsoft Word 2000 or Microsoft Word 2002 to read or write documents containing complex scripts, please see for information to enable Word 2007 documents to be displayed correctly in your version of word.


How much Windows 7 Price?

The price of Windows 7 Starter Edition per machine will be around double that of Windows XP Starter Edition. As reported (here - warning: PDF - and here), Windows 7 Starter Edition will be between $45 and $55 compared to $25 and $30 for Windows XP Starter Edition.

It's not clear where DigiTimes, the source of this particular news, got the new price.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the Starter Edition price is generally not disclosed. This version of Windows is an OEM-only edition and pricing comes down to how far OEMs can arm wrestle Microsoft, with agreements then locked up under NDA.

Microsoft refused to comment when asked by The Reg on the Windows 7 Starter Edition price, pointing to the NDA chastity belt that accompanies this SKU.

If Microsoft has bumped the price, it'll put a serious crimp in the appeal of Windows 7 on netbooks. OEMs margins are tight, and on a machine priced at $300, Microsoft will be taking a serious bite out of the margin that would have gone to the PC manufacturer.

In Microsoft's world, a price of between $45 and $55 might count as flat - or no increase. Leaked copies of Windows Vista Starter Edition are available for $52.

With the technology hurdle that hurt Windows Vista gone, that leaves just price as the barrier to OEMs using Windows 7 on netbooks. And for OEMs who had skipped Windows Vista Starter Edition for Windows XP Starter Edition, that price of between $45 and $55 per unit won't count as pricing stability at all. It'll be an effective increase.

The only card Microsoft has left in this game is application and hardware compatibility. Software and devices that consumers know and like will work with Windows on netbooks. This might compel OEMs to swallow the price.

Apart from that - and it's not an insignificant consideration - it'll be up to Ubuntu's chief sponsor Canonical and other Linuxes to lobby Acer, Asus, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and others making netbooks. Those manufacturers will be concerned about their margins

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